Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fun Fun Day

Today was such a great day! Granny came yesterday and picked up the Trevor man for a few days, so today was a special day with Keaton. I try to do things with him that we usually wouldn't do if Trevor were her. So, we got up this morning and had a lazy morning eating fruit and hanging out, then it was off to the Library. Keaton absolutely LOVES to go to the library and look at books. He could spend hours there looking through the books. We don't go too often when I have both of the boys because all Trevor wants to do at this point is pull books off of shelves. It makes it so hard to give Keaton the time and attention with the books if I'm picking up after Trevor! So, we got in the van and headed to the library and all Keaton could talk about was a book about dinosaurs. We have SO many books about dinosaurs at home already, so I was trying to talk him into a book about something else.......I don't know why I even bothered because we had barely turned the corner into the children's books that he found about 3 books he REALLY wanted and there wasn't one dinosaur book among them! So we got those books to take home but looked at a lot more while we were there. I think he's got a list going of books to bring home the next time!!
Then we went home and made "pigs in a blanket" together. He had a blast rolling up the hot dogs in the dough. After every one he asked "can I do it?" It was so much fun. Then we got to put them into the oven and he watched them "get fat" as they cooked. After they were cooked and ready he ate so good. I guess he was proud to get to reap the rewards of his hard labor.....ha/ha. All in all we had a great day just enjoying some special time together.
Michael is planning to take him to the park with a pic-nic for dinner tonight while I'm at work and they are going to find bugs to examine in the bug box. I found the cutest little bug container with a magnifying lid so he can get a closer look! He was so excited to go scouting and get "butterflies and bugs."
I love getting to spend one on one time with my little guys!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

We did survive the flu...

Well, I know it's been a while since my last post, it seems there is NEVER enough time in a day! We did all survive the flu and have thrown in a birth day party since my last post.
Keaton turned 3 on the 14th. I can't believe my baby is getting so so big. It seems too that he has suddenly gained such a vocabulary! He just floors me when he spits out a whole sentence or starts his own conversation. The other day he was on the phone with Michael's mom and she was talking about all of his new toys he had gotten for his birthday when all of a sudden he said "My toes are sticky." She said, "Your toys ar sticky?" To which he replied, "NO, my TOES are sticky, I stepped in something!" She and Michael just died laughing. It is amazing how fast little guys develope, grow and learn!
In other news, I have applied to the Police Academy that starts in April. I am so excited, but nervous at the same time! I have all of my paper work in and just lack the physical, the pre-entrance exam and the oral boards before I know if I will be accepted. Lots of exciting changes to come.
Michael is doing well with his Management Training Program and had his mid-term last week. He passed and is now the only one from the San Angelo Lowe's still in the program. Yay, I couldn't be more proud of him!!
That's all of the news from the Lacy family for now. Hope everybody is having a great week!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

What a CRAZY week.....

My sick boys, snuggled up for movie time!!

Well, I think that the boys are on the mend. They are of course still a little cranky, but deffinately feeling a little better. Their fever's still come and go, but it is certainly not in the 103/104 range any more, however Keaton did have to go to the Dr. in the end. Yesterday he woke up from a nap crying and saying "ouch, it hurts." It took us a little bit, but we finally got out of him that his ear was hurting him....poor little guy!! I am so thankful that he is at an age now that he can communicate when something like that is going on, so we called the Dr. and got an appointment and then Michael called in to work so that he could stay at home with the boys instead of my Granny coming in to watch them. When the Dr. checked Keaton over he said "This boy knows what he's talking about!" So we got a prescription for antibiotics and were on our way. He did also check Trevor's ears while we were there and they were clear. Through it all God's provision and protection has been so evident! He allowed us to have the comfort of knowing that Granny was there with the boys while we could not be and then with our schedules for Keaton's Dr's appointment and Michael being able to stay at home with them. As it was, I went in to work abouut 1 1/2 hours late because of Keaton's Dr's appointment. When I called my boss to request the time so that I could be at the appointment and Michael wouldn't have to be by himself with both of the kiddo's he didn't even hesitate and just said, "Do what you have to do for your family, it's not a problem." I also took today off so that I can be at home and Michael can go to work. I do not always love the fact that I am working, but if I need to work for the time being, I am so thankful I have a job with such an understanding boss! I have yet to have any problems taking off because I didn't have somebody to watch the boys or they are really is a blessing!! I also have to brag on my hubby....he has been absoulutely AMAZING this week. So attentive to both the boys' needs and mine.

One more thing on a side note.....I can not stand electronics!! Michael recently ordered a new monitor for the computer and it came in this week, so last night he finally had a few minutes after the boys went to bed to unpackage it and get it out. When he did, it was broken! So now that he has read the policy for returns/exchanges for the web site he ordered it from we find out he can only exchange the product and that we have to pay the shipping and handling on top of a 15% re-stocking fee(whatever that is)!! Lots of fun!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sick babies!

So, this week at my house has not been very much fun. It started with Keaton at about 3am Tuesday morning. He crawled into bed with Michael and me, he was burning up and begging for water. I got up and got him some water but didn't have the energy yet to take his temp. At 4:20am Michael got up to be at work by 5 and Keaton was even hotter, so I took his temp and it was 103.5...Yikes! Time to start tylenol and motrin!! Then Trevor man came down with the same symptoms.....By 3:30 pm Keaton's fever got to 104.5. So scary, and I had yet to hear from his Dr.'s office that I had called at noon!! Finally they called me back at 4pm and said, yep it sounds like flu, they really need to be seen for a drug called tamaflu that can take the symptoms away if caught within 24 hrs....unfortunately their Dr is seeing his last patient of the day. I was not happy! So, we didn't go to the ER or a walk in Clinic, because in my mind....."Kids have been making it through the flu for years with no tamaflu!" So we are pushing through and on the mend. The worst part of it all is that the boys were supposed to be going for a few days with Granny in Robert Lee because of Michael's an my schedules conflicting and crossing over where the boys would need a sitter. Usually I would just take some comp time or sick time, no problem.....BUT, I was put on the midnight schedule to help with training a new hire, so there was NO calling in for me with one of the other experienced dispatchers (that is usually on the mids shift) having 2 weeks off for vacation. Michael has just switched positions at work and didn't feel that it would be wise for him to take off.....So, in the end Granny has been a trooper and woke up at 3:30 in the morning to get to our house by 4:30 so Michael could be at work by 5 and she could watch the boys until 8am when I got off of work. Whew, anybody else confused by our schedule!! I am exhausted between work and sick kiddo's.
I am ready for the crazy schedule at work to be over. Luckily I only had 2 nights on the midnight schedule, but I do have to do a turn-around, which means, I will get off of work at 8am(in 4 hrs) and then have to be back at work at 4pm to work my normally scheduled shift...What a week! I am just thankful that Michael will be off when I get home so I can go straight to bed and get my zzzzzz's. And of course that I have an amazing Granny that is willing and able to help out as much as she does!!
Well enough of my woe's for now, I hope everybody is having a great week and that you all avoid this yucky flu!!