Wednesday, March 25, 2009

We did survive the flu...

Well, I know it's been a while since my last post, it seems there is NEVER enough time in a day! We did all survive the flu and have thrown in a birth day party since my last post.
Keaton turned 3 on the 14th. I can't believe my baby is getting so so big. It seems too that he has suddenly gained such a vocabulary! He just floors me when he spits out a whole sentence or starts his own conversation. The other day he was on the phone with Michael's mom and she was talking about all of his new toys he had gotten for his birthday when all of a sudden he said "My toes are sticky." She said, "Your toys ar sticky?" To which he replied, "NO, my TOES are sticky, I stepped in something!" She and Michael just died laughing. It is amazing how fast little guys develope, grow and learn!
In other news, I have applied to the Police Academy that starts in April. I am so excited, but nervous at the same time! I have all of my paper work in and just lack the physical, the pre-entrance exam and the oral boards before I know if I will be accepted. Lots of exciting changes to come.
Michael is doing well with his Management Training Program and had his mid-term last week. He passed and is now the only one from the San Angelo Lowe's still in the program. Yay, I couldn't be more proud of him!!
That's all of the news from the Lacy family for now. Hope everybody is having a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Sounds like you guys are doing great! Tell Michael we are so proud of him. Let us know when you find out about the Academy...Lots of Love,
